Monday, November 9, 2020

All these emotions with nowhere to run

This blog is not about sobriety, but my life is. And it's fucking hard- at least right now it is. And you know the funniest thing? I started writing this piece 2.5 years ago, and I opened it up to see what I was writing about, and BAM. There it was - more feelings. After tonight- another fight with my 13yo about dance. Another one. The recurring arguments are like clockwork these days. Who needs AI to predict this when I can do it alone?

I never knew how truly many feelings constantly ramble about inside me. I wake to emotional hangovers nearly every Sunday. According to my mother, after our recent late night phone call, they never go away - those feelings. Although, our call was not about the feelings that make your insides squish around and leave you with wet eyes and stuffy nose. She was referring to sexual desire. Gasp. Mother! Believe me I was happy to hear her say that she had what most would equate to a booty call. She would be remiss calling it anything else. She is 78. Go Mom.

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