Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolution recognized....Letter #5

Dear Colette,

As a part of my New Year's resolution to make drastic, healthy changes in my life, I decided to include you. I have reason to believe that you are my birthmother. I have a feeling that you knew this day would come, but what I don't know is how you will react to my finding you.

Over the past 4 months since I've been aware of your existance, and whereabouts, I've been given lots of advice on how to handle this, mostly from loving family members or friends who genuinely care about me. I've taken all I've heard and read about to the heart, but will do what I feel is right because at the end of the day, it's my life.

But, it's also your life. And God placed us together for a reason. But it could also be argued that he placed apart for a reason. I try not to figure out His moves because I get too sidelined, and realized that He is the ultimate decision-maker, and I am just a fart in the wind.

So, after painstakingly hard decisions, I've decided to write you a letter instead of calling you directly. If you are going to shock someone, shock them gently. I heard that there's risk of heart attack in your side of the family, and I would hate to attend your funeral before I attend Thanksgiving. That was a joke just in case you were wondering.

I would like to meet you, and my other biological family. At first, I thought that I would leave it up to you to decide whether or not you wanted me to intrude or not, but having known myself, and I am pretty true to form, as you'll find out, I am letting you know now, that I plan on making some form of contact with the others whether you like it or not, because I feel like that's my right as a human being. Just because you made a mistake, I should not have to live in your shroud forever. And I hate to call myself a mistake, but after thinking about it over and over and over, hahah, there are a lot of people in the world who are mistakes. My daughter, for instance, is the most beautiful mistake I've ever made.

I feel it neccessary to say that because, in the event that you decide that meeting me might not be something you are willing to do, it's something that I feel I deserve, and I don't feel like I deserve a lot in life. It's not my personality to feel owed.  Having lived a wonderful life comparibly to the poor children and adults who never received love at all, having grown up in orphanages and unloving foster homes, I don't feel the absolute need to meet you and the rest, but I don't think I can put to words how much my soul would love to find others who are my genetic predispositions.

Please make contact with me when you have the strength and will to do so. It took me over four months and a lot of brainstorming and writing to get the courage to send this. I'll understand if you take a few months, but please also know, that I am patiently waiting. This is a long overdue meeting that will be nothing but incredible for both of us.

You need me. You have missed me and wondered about me all of your adult life, and if you haven't then there's something wrong with you. Another joke. Now it's your turn.

With love and heartfelt gratitude, your birthdaughter,

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