Saturday, November 12, 2011

Avoiding the inevitable- housework

Another Saturday. Another blog. Another day I loathe housework and laundry. What normal human being, or alien for that matter, likes to do chores like those? There is something wrong with those people. I know people like that, and they scare me. I guess it's the same as someone who writes. I probably scare people myself.
People get pleasure from diferent sources. Thank God they're not all the same sources or we'd all be pitted against eachother, as if we aren't already.
This is a man eat man world. I know it. You know it. But what are we gonna do about it?
Things like that make me think that there's nothing wrong with getting wrapped up in your own little world. But then, who is going to fight for change if we all succumb to our own unique blends of thinking.
Just something on my mind. I might become a recluse for a day, held up in my own thoughts and prayers.
I already feel like my lack of the need for news and tv watching is selfish. But, who wants to feed into all the negativity in the world through a box sitting in your home? Who wants to let that beast into her house on a regular basis? I don't.
This is what I'm thinking of right now, and it helps me to avoid what I really need to be doing to make my life simpler- laundry and cleaning the house.
How does it make my life simpler? It tricks my brain into thinking that it's safe and pleased because of an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. Total bullshit if you ask me, but it works for some reason.
I guess it's the same as when you look at someone who you know is nothing more than a giant wart on the pointer finger of humanity, and just because he is good-looking you attribute other less destructive qualities to him, lightening the truth, and excusing the fact that he really is not someone you would want to spend time with. We are so shallow.
How can we overcome that?
It's attainable. It's just time consuming, I imagine. When I have done it myself, I will report back on it. Until then, I will wallow in my mire, and get up and do some housework. Uhhhg.
But not before I will eat a piece of Halloween candy from Hell. I'm convinced that Halloween is definately of the Devil. He knows I'm helpless against it. In fact, I incidentally typed fat on accident, I have a candy addiction. But it doesn't really bother me, because I know most others do too.

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