Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ms. Mayor Sykes

Here's something interesting...You remember the Ms. Sykes blog? She won the race for Mayor of Pink Hill....Go Sykes Go.

And to think, I have the Mayor's personal cell phone number. I'll have to call and congratulate her. She'll be so thrilled to hear from me. That was a bit sarcastic. Sorry Sykes.
And maybe I'll ask her what her stance is on gay marriage while I'm at it. Maybe ask her how she feels about the government's declaration that pizza is a vegetable and french fries are too. Naw. I want her to like me, and besides, mayors don't really have any say-so in much anyway. They just committ to ground breakings with large scissors and do photo ops, and sit in the occasional school board meeting.

Look at Mayor Fox (Charlotte mayor). What has he done except allow parking in a no parking zone at Sarah's daycare. His kids went to school there at some point. Not anymore though, which would explain why I never had the chance to accost him.

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