Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nothing is permanent, and I'm fine with it.

If I've learned anything in my life here, I've learned that nothing is permanent. Nothing. It shouldn't be.
That would suggest that there is no room for change, no room for advancement, and that life is stagnant, comprising of small feats and even smaller losses. You're probably thinking, small losses aren't anything to get upset about. But a loss isn't always for the worst.
In fact, I believe that some of our greatest losses give birth to our best wins.
With loss comes gain, because you can't lose something to not have it replaced by something else.
Many people stay so focused on their losses that they neglect to see their gains. Some people routinely subject themselves to their own pain because of their misdirected focus. It becomes habit to dwell, to worry.
If you live in the moment, you won't worry about anything. Practice for today enjoying who you're with. Practice just being. Practice being yourself, and loving others for who they are, not who you insist they be.
You don't have to stop working. You can still make lists and write goals, and complete your everyday tasks, but when you relieve yourself of worry and fret, you will gain an understanding that life is not about work. It's about living and enjoying life as it comes.
That's what God intended for us.
He didn't make us to work a set amount of time each week, like drones,like robots. He didn't want us to worry about bills and money and things. When we live the way He intended us to live, we find ourselves enjoying just being because the other things just fall into place the way He planned.
I am taking this moment to enjoy it. I might bask in this moment. It will not ever come back. It will never be the exact same moment. I'm fine with that. Are you?
Because we are often so focused on consistency and the drive to be consistent, we neglect to come to terms with change and variety.
We want to fit in. We dress alike. We talk alike. We claim to think alike. We make decisions based upon what others would think, or what they would do. We are losing ourselves in a sea of sameness.
Be bold. Stand apart. Trust yourself, trust in God, and you too can live with abandon.

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